Sunday 18 November 2012

A day in Dunedin

We are up early and head into Dunedin to see whether we can book on the Taieri Gorge Railway for the afternoon trip.  We are in luck and after buying our tickets for the afternoons adventure we head into Dunedin city centre to explore.
The most photographed building in NZ - Dunedin Railway station
The Scottish roots of the city are immediately apparent in the street names, flags and even the delightfully tasteful 'The Scottish Shop' - Mr M is less than impressed with the over priced Iron Bru

Soon it's time to head back to the railway station to board the first train of our trip since the Varanassi to Delhi express, so we are expecting things to be a little different!  It is a diesel engine and we find our seats in the final carriage ok and get settled in before the off.
Is that your seat Kelvin?
The railway journey is spectacular - great cuttings and gorges and some amazing viewpoints along the way.

We stop off on the way for photo stops and of course enjoy a cuppa!  Definitely well worth doing and another good day in the office!

Mrs M

1 comment:

  1. Train journey looks amazing, ranked as one of the best in the world !
    No slippers required this time Mrs M !!
    glad Kelvin tagged along.
