Saturday 17 November 2012

Gurgle Gurgle Gurgle

We really enjoyed our time in Invercargill and Southland, but it is time again to move on to complete the next leg of our journey up to Dunedin, traveling through the Catlins.

The Catlins remind us both of Ayrshire, with rolling green hills, lots of cows and some very pretty beaches. We also stop off to look at the Jurassic petrified forest at Curio Bay

180 Million year old trees - wife for scale !
After a good lunch spot we stop of at the Lost Gypsy Gallery in Papatowai which had been recommended to us by Megan who runs the Fernery shop in Stewart Island.  The gallery is set in a house caravan and is totally the kind of place you would expect to find Caractacus Potts from Chitty Chiity Bang Bang meets Wallace and Gromit!  

It is filled to bursting with gadgets, inventions, automata and all sorts of things to push and press.  It really appeals to both our senses of humour, although I'm not sure what that says about us, or whether that is a reflection of how long we have spent in the camper van!  We spend a good hour there and even take a gurgle splat home with us - hours of amusement!

As the weather starts to come in we decide not to overnight in the Caitlins but to press on to Dunedin - the Scottish city!  As we enter the city centre we are greeted by a man in a kilt who gives us a wave and lots of Scottish flags - we are hopeful of some more Scottish discounts tomorrow!

Mrs M

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