Friday 2 November 2012

Heading south

Today we are going to continue further down the west coast of South Island and get a bit closer to Glacier country.

Unfortunately when we leave Carters Beach the weather is typically Scottish / Kiwi i.e. cold, grey and wet.  Not to be put off by a few spots of rain we stop at Punakaiki to see the pancake rocks.

These are impressive limestone sea cliffs which have undergone a particular type of weathering called stylobedding and look like a stack of pancakes.  It's not actually a weathering process but a pressure solution diagenetic effect formed during burial creating stylolites which then weather differently, but I thought it best not to correct the information board. 

From here we nip into Greymouth to get to the supermarket for our weekly shopping and also some diesel for Betty.

It's then just a short drive down the coast and we get to Hokitika which is our final destination today.  We have a little wander round town and see some nice shops and galleries to explore further tomorrow.

Bit of a grey day today and not just because we crossed the grey river.  Hoping for some sun as we get to the glaciers tomorrow.

Mr M

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