Friday 30 November 2012

On to Middle Earth

After leaving Betty at the Apollo depot we head to the airport for our flight to Wellington.  Although the flight is delayed we make up loads of time with a strong tail wind and are only in the air for about 25 minutes, with a very gusty landing which Mrs M loved.

When we land we are met by John (we are staying with Ann & John again in Wellington) and we are welcomed into Middle Earth.  The whole airport is decked out with massive Hobbit paraphernalia as it was the Hobbit world premiere in Wellington yesterday.  As we drive through the city there are still loads of Hobbit creatures left over from the premiere.

Once we get back to Ann & John’s we are soon cheered up after our glum morning, and enjoy telling our adventure stories from our time exploring the South Island.  We again enjoy John’s excellent roast chicken dinner and then time for bed as all our adventures have caught up with us!

Mr & Mrs M

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