Wednesday 21 November 2012

Day off in Oamaru

Now whilst we have nearly been away from home for 100 days and many of you may think that we are just on an extended holiday (which is of course partly true), there are a number of day to day jobs which need to be done whilst on the road.   

With this in mind in Oamaru we decide to have a catch up day, spending a lazy morning in the town with of course the obligatory cup of tea, a visit to the cheese factory and some investigation of one or two of the Steampunk gadgets.
Downtown Oamaru

Steampunk HQ
Then it is time to get back to Betty to give her a good tidy up, do a big load of laundry, write Christmas cards (the earliest and most organised Mrs M has ever been!) and pack up the first of many parcels home as we quickly realise that at the rate we are accumulating things there is no way they are going to fit in our cases (or if they do will make us significantly over the 23kg limit!).

Then time for diary writing, updating the blog and a BBQ for tea in lovely early summer weather.  So you see there is a bit of hard work to be done on our trip – its not all holidaying!

Mrs M

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