Thursday 1 November 2012

Onto the west coast

With the Abel Tasman now complete our next big stops will be in the glacier towns of Franz Josef and Fox on the west coast.  These are too far away to reach in one day so first up we need to get to Westport.

We head off back across the Takaka Hill and down the road back towards Murchison.  When we drove this road to get to Nelson last week it was so cloudy that we saw nothing.  Today is different and we are treated to some stunning views of the Spenser Mountains.
Looking out to the Spenser Mountains
After a spot of lunch and a bit more driving we come across the Buller Gorge swing bridge.  As this is the longest swing bridge in NZ it seemed silly not to stop and walk across it.
Mrs M On Buller Gorge bridge
Then it was a rather wet and windy drive to Westport on the coast where we got Betty settled into the motorcamp at Carters Beach and went for a walk to check out the local cafe.
Betty with a sea view

Mrs M checking out the menu
A quiet day after all the fun in Abel Tasman but gives us time to catch our breath before the glaciers.

Mr M

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's some bridge !
    Several times the length of the Carrick a Rede, and that was a serious bridge.
    Mrs M senior would LOVE that, (I don't think)!
    Still missing Kelvin.
