Sunday 9 September 2012

19:15 Overnight Express To Delhi

Tonight we were to take the overnight train back to Delhi from Varanasi, an experience Mrs M had been a little nervous about due to tales told from home before we left!  We are met by our Audley man and taken to the station and given two big packed dinner boxes - they are heavy enough perhaps it is a takeaway curry? 

Two porters collect our bags and carry them on their heads.  I am not sure how they manage to do this as my bag is heavy enough to lift as it is!  Onto the train and we are in 1AC First Class - big relief all around as we discover we have a compartment for just the two of us and a good lock on the door!  We are then visited by the ticket man, water man, fizzy drink man, pillow man, blanket man, chai man and then the dinner man and then we are all set to go, leaving Varanasi on time.  

Settled into our compartment!

The train is actually really good (even the toilets - with the open hole onto the tracks - are not too scary), and whilst we didn't get too much sleep arrive in to Delhi about 10 minutes late (cow on the line) and both really pleased we did the overnighter!

1 comment:

  1. Mrs M, you remembered the slippers, where's the flask of tea ?
