Wednesday 5 September 2012

W.E.T.R. & Other Travel Essentials for India !

Some of you may already know that Mrs M had packed some ‘travel essentials’ before leaving the UK, and as some of them had been put to good use today we thought it time to share.

So in our comfort stop between Barli and Rohet today, after some diet Coke (other brands of cola not available) and bag of Spanish Tomato Tango crisps we head for the toilet before getting back to the car.  Apparently the ladies loo was a choice of Western and non-Western.  Mrs M obviously opted for the former but as they were not quite Maharani standard, had to break out the W.E.T.R.

You may well be wondering ‘what does W.E.T.R. stand for?’ obviously its Waitrose Emergency Toilet Roll.  And surprisingly was only needed for the first time on Day 9.

The other travel essentials include:

Hand sanitizer gel, Dioralyte, Imodium, good sunscreen, ‘activity flip-flops’, patience, give-it-a-go attitude, and most important of all, a fully functioning sense of humour !

We will continue to update on our use of these in the coming days.

Mr & Mrs M

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