Thursday 6 September 2012

Jodhpur - How Wrong We Were...

So after another curry lunch we head back to Rohet Garh looking forward to some tea and cake in the gardens and getting some blogging done.  How wrong we were...  

Just as we have got settled with a fresh tea, up pops Indira - or Indiana Jones as he shall later be named - to let us know that we have been booked on the village safari and 'are we ready to go now?'  We quickly finish our tea - and cake of course - and get ready to head out for what we thought was an hours tour.  How wrong we were...

First stop on the village tour was to see some local Bramins which is very exciting as we get to see their mud hut - painted blue - and have a good look round.

Brahmin Kitchen
After this we then head off to spot some of the local Antelope, no problem this should just be a quick pop along the road.  How wrong we were...

From the Bramins we head fully offroad on a very
bumpy jeep ride looking for Antelope, which we do find after some searching.

Wild Antelope
After the Antelope, and keen to make sure we  don't miss anything, Indy suggests that we could go and meet some of the locals working the fields. That should be straightforwards we think.  How wrong we were...

After another bumpy jeep ride we come across some ladies tending to some lentils.  
Indy introducing us to some local farmers
We stop for a chat and get to try some raw lentils - delicious, a bit like french beans - then Indy thinks its a nice night for a walk and we head off for a 30 minute ramble through the fields.  Mrs M gets worried about snakes.

After being out now for about 2.5 hours we thought we should be heading home soon.  How wrong we were...

After a quick stop to look at the train going past we then head off in search of the local Bishnoi village.  The Bishnoi are essentially 15th century eco-warriors and don't approve of killing animals,  chopping down trees etc.  Mrs M is most impressed and thinks these are the fore-runners to environmental geologists.  We meet a Bishnoi grandfather of 18 grandchildren who is incredibly friendly and welcoming even though it is now dark and they are about to head to bed.

Mrs M, Bishnoi Grampa, Mr M - note how dark it is !
After another 30 minute bumpy jeep ride, Indy finally gets us back home.  We had set out on this trip a bit tired after a busy morning and didn't think we would enjoy it much.  How wrong we were...  This has been one of the best bits of India so far.

Mr M


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