Sunday 2 September 2012

Monsoon – ‘Good Rain’

Later start this morning as we have a quick visit to the markets of the Pink City and then off out to the Rambagh Palace for Sunday Lunch.

As we are relaxing in the veranda waiting for Mr Khan to arrive we have a little monsoon rain, or rather a 15 minute downpour of epic proportions!  Luckily being Scottish Mr M is not fazed by a little rain and whips out the emergency ‘Team GB’ umbrella.

As we make our way gingerly through the puddles to the car Mr Khan proclaims that we have had some ‘good rain’ this morning.  On leaving the hotel we then have to battle through the flooded streets of Jaipur and take a rain-check on shopping and head to the Albert Hall for some pre-lunch sightseeing instead.

Jaipur - Albert Hall
Although this is an impressive big building in the middle of Jaipur, Mrs M renames it ‘Pigeon Poo Palace’ as it is covered in thousands of pigeons all intent on making their mark on Mrs M…  As most of you know Mrs M hates pigeons and luckily survived unscathed.

Sunday Lunch at the Rambagh Palace is a real treat and we are most impressed with the local Rajasthani specialities of Papad ki Sabza and a delicious Biryiani.  The chef even comes out for a chat to see if we are enjoying our meal, which has been our best in India so far.

Mrs & Mr M

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