Sunday 16 September 2012

More Monkeying Around in the Jungle

Another early start this morning sees us up and in the rainforest by 6am !

It is definitely worth it though as today we are on the canopy walkway which is a set of rope ladder bridges strung between some sturdy trees at the canopy level (ie 30m high).  It is all very Indiana Jones like as we make our way up into the rope bridges but the early start pays off as we see so many colourful birds in the trees.
One of many colourful birds in the canopy

After an hour or more just stood at some of the platforms watching the birds – and listening to Theo’s imitation bird calls – we continue along the length of the rope bridges.

The canopy walkway - note the 'high' bit in the distance...
After lunch today as we head out for our afternoon walk we meet Theo outside the main building rather excitedly getting his telescope setup.  He has spotted some Red-leaf Monkeys in the trees just outside the lodge.  We spend the next hour or so watching a group of around a dozen of these monkeys have a carry-on in the trees, obviously having a great time.  For us its also time for some monkeying around and we head back to the canopy walk for sunset.  Here we get to watch some GiantRed Flying Squirrels jumping and gliding from tree to tree just above our heads as the sun sets.  Then it’s an interesting torch lit walk along the rope bridges keeping an eye out for the lesser spotted Borneo jumping Tarantula !

Another fabulous day in the jungle.  We will be sad to leave tomorrow.

Mr & Mrs M

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