Friday 14 December 2012

Train Again

We are heading north again today but that's not till  later on this afternoon.  So we head off to the Penny Diner again for breakfast as it was so good yesterday.

Then we take advantage of the lovely weather for another walk about town and spot some of the great signs on the side of some buildings.

We also head back to Kenny & Zuke's Deli to pick up some take-out sandwiches and bagels to have on the train later. 

Then after a quick spot of lunch its off to Union Station for our Cascades train up to Vancouver.  Unlike the double decker train from San Francisco this train is much more like what we have back home.

We get settled down for the long journey ahead in the big comfy seats and enjoy the view out the window while it is still light.  Then its just another 6 hours until we get to Vancouver at 11pm.  We get through immigration and customs ok with another stamp in the passport and fortunately without having to surrender the Ghirardelli chocolates (as a food product, not strictly allowed in Canada).  Then its a taxi to our hotel where its straight to bed.

Mr M

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