Wednesday 17 October 2012

Time for Taupo

After such a great day yesterday we are a little sad to be leaving Napier, but since nobody fancied picking up Betty on E-Bay we need to move on.
Betty parked on E-Bay...

After a quick stop to check the weather

The rock is dry so it must be fine.
we head off for a spot of food shopping at Countdown and then fancy a quick look round Hastings.  We have read about a nice ice-cream shop that sells amazing ice-cream in their own rose garden, what could be better.  After about 30 minutes driving round a huge industrial estate on the edge of Hastings we find the ice-cream shop but its location between the double glazing and tyre shops is less than salubrious and we decide to give the rest of Hastings a bit of a miss.

We then get on the road to Taupo and as we have learnt over the last couple of weeks, just because it starts off a nice day there is no guarantee it will end a nice day.  On the way to Taupo the weather gets worse and the wind gets stronger and stronger.  When we stop at what the Tourism Radio says is a popular waterfall but there is only us and a Northern Irish couple stood in the horizontal rain admiring the impressive falls…
Rangitaiki falls
We gingerly make our way along the rest of the road to Taupo and make it to the motorcamp in one piece.  We had initially fancied popping out to the thermal pools for a quick dip but instead Mrs M rustles up some spicy Moroccan Chicken and we crack open a bottle of wine.

Mr & Mrs M


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