Saturday 27 October 2012

Big Kelvin - Little Kelvin

Those of you who are avid blog readers will have spotted a little furry friend on some of our previous posts and in some videos with Betty.

This is our lucky mascot - Kelvin the Kiwi.

After getting Betty stuck in the mud on Day 1 (Baylys Beach) we decided that we needed to have a lucky mascot to keep us safe in the campervan.  

Shortly after this we saw a little All Black Kiwi in a shop and decided that he would make an excellent mascot so we bought him.  We also decided to name him Kelvin as Kelvin and Pauline had initially given us so much help that he was bound to bring us good luck.

And since then little Kelvin has been everywhere with us.
Kelvin says hello!

No doubt you will see alot more of Kelvin over the next few weeks.

Mr & Mrs M 

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