Tuesday 28 August 2012

Late Night Delhi Arrival

We finally made it to Delhi at around 10:40 local time into the shiny new airport terminal, collected our bags, changed some money into Rupees, and then met the Audley rep.  No drama.

This was followed by Mrs M’s first experience of Delhi driving from the airport to the Imperial Hotel, with the full gamut of people hanging off the back of lorries, overloaded tuk tuks’s, cows asleep in the middle of the road etc.  A nice introduction to India !

The Imperial Hotel is as the name suggests a grand Imperial style hotel.  We quickly get checked in and then go for a quick explore round the hotel looking at some of the magnificent Art Deco fittings and military themed paintings.

Our Room - Imperial Hotel

One of many interesting pictures
Although still excited after making it to Delhi we finally decide it is time for bed at 01:30am...

Mr M

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